Feel overwhelmed regarding your role as a fiduciary? You
aren't alone. Good news is that we can assist in filling the gaps
with expertise that completes the whole picture!
We are dedicated to helping retirement plan fiduciaries understand and fulfill their oversight responsibilities.
Our Mission
Virtus is dedicated to superior client service and satisfaction. We partner with caring and committed companies and their employees to discover, clarify, promote, and protect their mission, values, and valuables. We are uniquely positioned to provide the independent and objective advice that Plan Sponsors, Trustees and their advisors need in this changing legal and regulatory environment.
Our firm has no conflicts of interest or hidden agenda that can compromise your or your employees’ well-being. We have no proprietary products to sell and no behind-the-scenes marketing arrangements or relationships that can lead to conflicts of interest. We are true advocates for our clients – Plan Sponsors and their Participants.
We do this with the conviction that it is our role is to provide plan committees with both the knowledge and data they need to make reasoned decisions and to properly fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. Our goal is not to simply present information, but to dig more deeply into the reasons behind our recommendations.